Sunday, August 16, 2009

Video Game Hall of Fame Launch a Success

The Video Game Hall of Fame launch party happened yesterday. It drew an even bigger crowd than expected. Over 3000 people attended! It had noted gamers from both past an present.

The event was covered by Kotaku In addition to local coverage.

I'm glad that the even was a great success. Now I really feel bad I couldn't go.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Competitive Gaming takes the next step, Best Buy takes a step on GameStep, and I'm taking some baby step becuase I have to take it easy.

Have a few things I want to comment on today. Gonna make it quick(ish).

The Video Game Hall of Fame launch party happens this Tursday in Ottumwa. A lot of well known gamers will be there. Sucks that I can't make it but I'm still glad that Ottumwa is getting noticed for starting organized gaming. I hope to be a Hall of Fame inductee someday.

I read something about Best Buy offering their unused games for the price of GameSpot's unused games. It's not a big deal to me since I often see GameStop charge $60.00 for new game and $55.00 for a used copy of that same game. I know GameStop has its faults but wanting Best Buy to run over GameStop is like wanting Wal-Mart to run 7 Eleven out of business. Maybe it's just me, though, but I doubt it.

I mailed off my tape for Wii Sports Resort to Twin Galaxies. I have to admit that I was still learning the ins and outs of the title and I still have much room for improvement. I see games differently from the average person and sometimes I sacrifice early results but often harvests better crops later on. I may (or may not) be behind how but I'm sure to separate my degree of Wii skills from my competition.

I have been submitting all my scores to Twin Galaxies by videotape. I want to switch the DVD to help curb the cost of submitting. But I first have to buy the proper equipment (Computer, capture card, etc.). But my income is anything but disposable right now. The good news is that I the crappy economy has taught me to cut down the things I don't really need such as Blockbuster Online. Shoot, I might dust off my old Arctic Zone and start taking sandwiches to work again. Buy VHS tapes is WAY too much money when you compare it to the cost of DVD's.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Chiming In (August 1, 2009)

Personal life has been not so this year. Gone worse just recently. No specifics, but it has cut into my time Twin Galaxies, Empire Arcadia, etc. My practice time -- and execution -- for certain games has suffered also. I can't get back into full gear until I get to some stuff sorted personally. Hopefully that is sooner or later.

I was looking to go to an MLG this season to play Fight Night Round 4 but I'm too broke right now. Hopefully they will be holding them when I get back on my feet.

I have received a comment for my ECA blog from ECA's Brett Schenker, himself. I appreciate the response but I stand by what I have posted. I don't believe the President said anything requiring "action" thus far. If I don't question the ECA's motives in this action campaign, even more harsher critics will.

Wii Sports Resort came out so I picked that game up. The Wii Motion Plus did wonders the the Wii Sports follow-up. As usually I will see how far I can go in that game.

I found out from a Tweet that Triforce, Justin Wong, and Prod1gy picture from the Jinx shoot made it into Play magazine. I'm proud of them. They have been in the gaming scene for years and have earned it.

Well that's pretty much it. Cya next post.